Saturday 27 October 2018

Leather/Shiny Ass Part 24

More lovely ladies showing off their delectable asses in tight leather clothing and shiny/leather-look garments:


  1. On awaking this morning it was immediately (and most delightfully!) obvious that I would need the urgent assistance of a lovely lady in leather. I don't know about you, but I find that when there is time for leisurely contemplation the leather lady is to be enjoyed from every angle, but when matters are more pressing it is the leather clad ass that provides the most ready solution. Choosing this post at random as I did, there are many most intriguing possibilities, but I selected lady 32, whose divinely curvaceous posterior has aided me on previous occasions and who I never tire of. With her by my side a very satisfactory outcome indeed was achieved, resulting in a minor but nevertheless worthwhile reduction in body weight, amongst other benefits. I look forward to making her acquaintance on many more occasions

  2. The very lovely leather lady in photo 32 is, I have now established, Argentinian model/actress/dancer/tv personality Carolina "Pampita" Ardohain. She also appears in a slightly different pose in the "Tight pants" post for September 2018. Remarkably, she is 39 years old in these photos, and how delectable she is for that age! It is a truism, is it not, borne out by frequent and appreciative observation, that the leather lady of slightly more advanced years (say 35-45) and who (whether by good fortune, good surgery or both!) largely retains the looks of her youth, is able to egender a most delightful response indeed, and often to a much greater degree than her younger sisters. She has acquired an aura of confidence in the allure of her leather-clad charms that is often absent in the more youthful, who can appear somewhat awkward and self-conscious. (The clearly over-mature leather lady need not apply!) It need hardly be added, of course, that Senorita Ardohain once again enabled a most desirable outcome to be obtained!

  3. As an addition, the lovely leather-clad ass in photo 29 belongs to Edele Lynch of the Irish popular music group B*witched, from a 2000 photo session. Although she is not immediately required following my most successful dalliance with Pampita, I rather think I will be contemplating her charms in the none too distant future, as the prospects look decidedly enticing!

  4. In all truth I had not intended to comment further on this post but was promoted to do so by the charming Miss Lynch at photo 29. From another version of this photo found on the internet, I learned with interest that she is wearing what are rather picturesquely but no doubt correctly described as "lacquered satin shorts". So what, you may say; the material is shiny, the cut flatters the physique, and all is good. Who cares what they are made from? To an extent I agree. But I have been an astute observer of the leather and shiny lady for very many years (for far longer than this website has existed!) and naturally during that time I have been intrigued by many types of leather and shiny fabrics. However I cannot recall ever having been knowingly enamoured of "lacquered satin" before. So, in the true spirit of scientific research, rigorous investigations were immediately (and, may I say, enthusiastically!) commenced. It is to the great credit of both Miss Lynch and her costume designers that the resultant outcome most certainly did not disappoint. However, in the proper scientific manner, and in order to ensure complete objectivity and freedom from random error, the procedures were subsequently repeated on several occasions (after necessary pauses for recovery in between!), each time readily and gratifyingly yielding equally successful results. Such satisfactory conclusions having been drawn, henceforth all lovely ladies in "lacquered satin" who attract my attention will assuredly be welcomed.
